STG Admin
Mar 23, 2025
5N-1.140 Security Officer, Recovery Agent, and Private Investigative Intern School Curriculum
Security Officer Schools and Training Facilities
- Passing a score requires answering at least 128 questions correctly, with no more than 50% being true or false.
- Issuance of Certificate of Security Officer Training within 3 business days using Form FDACS-16103.
- Training programs approved by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission are deemed approved by the department.
Online Training Requirements:
- Live transmission format with Class "DI" instructors and students participating simultaneously.
- Online instruction is conducted from a school or training facility in Florida.
- Live access is provided to department investigators for auditing, monitoring, or inspection.
- Online instruction and testing through a secure website using SSL or TLS technology.
- Verification of student identity using U.S. state or federal-issued photo identification.
- Verification and documentation of daily attendance in a digital log.
- Restriction of student log-in to a single device.
- Inclusion of security questions to ensure active student participation.
- The minimum time requirement for reading screens with text.
- Opportunity for students to submit questions to Class "DI" instructors.
- Delivery of missed class hours through recorded instruction for absent students.
- Administration of online tests with randomized questions.
- Verification of completion of online training before reporting to the division.
Retention of Records
Records to be maintained by schools or facilities administering examinations:
- Schedule including date, time, location, and instructor of each class session.
- Separate files for each course containing course materials, reference sources, and graded final exams.
- Log for each class session with student signatures.
- Copy of the Certificate of Security Officer Training presented to each student.
- Separate file for each approved instructor with qualifications and license copy.
- Records are to be maintained for a minimum of two years and produced upon request.
Additional record-keeping requirements for Class "DS" security schools or training facilities offering online courses:
- A digital record of student attendance log, records of training sessions, and proof of compliance with security protocols.
- Accessibility of records to department investigators upon request.
- The explanation for the unavailability of electronic records, with provision within 3 business days.
Options for meeting division record-keeping requirements:
- Retention of original paper records or scanning into electronic format.
- Electronic retention of online training records, reproducible or transmittable upon request.
Outline: 5N-1.132 Firearms Training
Initial Firearms Qualification
- Completion of 28 hours of range and classroom training by Class "K" firearms instructor(s).
- Classroom training options: in-person or live online instruction with verification of identity and attendance.
- 8 hours of in-person range training covering safe handling and storage of firearms.
- The qualification allows using specific revolver or semiautomatic handgun calibers for regulated duties.
- Licensees can only carry firearms they have completed training with.
- Submission of the original white page from Certificate of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License with the license application.
Annual Firearms Requalification Training and Reporting Requirement
- Submission of the original white page from the Certificate of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License annually before the expiration date.
Firearms Instruction
- Use of Firearms Training Manual Student Handbook and Study Guide (FDACS-P-02079).
- Use of Firearms Training Manual Instructor's Guide (FDACS-P-02078) by Class "K" licensed firearms instructors.
- Firearms instructors may use audio/video material as instructional aid but not rely solely on it.
- Classroom training must be conducted in person or through live online instruction with verification of identity, attendance, and completion.
- Generation of Certificates of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License by Class "K" instructors.
- Provision of electronic or paper copies of certificates to Class "G" students within 3 business days.
- Retention of completed certificates by instructors.
Firearms Instructor Recordkeeping Requirements
- Maintenance of daily schedule, class logs (in-person and online), digital logs for online students' attendance and identity verification method, copies of issued certificates, and student test records.
- Original paper records or scanned electronic records can meet the requirements.
- Accessibility of records to department investigators upon request.
- Retention of records for a minimum of two years at the instructor's place of business or address on the instructor's license.
- Production of student records for inspection upon request.
Firearm Online Training
- Completion of up to 20 hours of classroom training through live online instruction.
- Class "K" instructors must have a physical location in Florida and conduct online instruction from there.
- Live access to online courses for auditing, monitoring, or inspection by department investigators.
- Use a secure website with SSL or TLS technology for online instruction and testing.
- Verification of student identity using U.S. state or federal-issued photo identification.
- Documentation of student attendance in digital log.
- Limitation of student log-in to a single device.
- Inclusion of security questions for active student participation.
- The minimum time requirement for screen reading and discussion.
- Opportunity for students to submit questions to the instructor.
- Option to deliver missed class hours through recorded instruction with question submission.
- Administration of online tests with randomized questions.
Instructor Requirements for Online Courses
- Maintenance of records for all training sessions, including instructor name, license number, and proof of compliance with security protocols at the instructor's place of business.
- Immediate accessibility of records to department investigators upon request.
- Explanation to investigators if electronic records are not immediately available, with the provision of records within 3 business days.
Firearms Online Training
- Completing all or part of the 20 hours of classroom training through live online instruction.
- Live transmission format with Class "K" instructors and students participating simultaneously.
- Class "K" instructors offering online training must maintain a physical location in Florida.
- Online instruction is conducted from a physical location in Florida.
- Live access is provided to department investigators for auditing, monitoring, or inspection upon request.
- Online instruction and testing are conducted through a secure website using SSL or TLS technology.
- Student identity verification using U.S. state or federal-issued photo identification (e.g., driver's license, state ID card).
- Verify and document students' daily attendance in a digital log.
- Utilize an online platform that always restricts student log-in to a single device.
- Inclusion of security questions (challenges) to ensure active student participation, with successful responses required for each question.
- At least one security question is provided every two hours of instruction.
- Opportunity for re-attempting an unsuccessful response within 5 minutes.
- Failure to respond successfully is marked as student absence.
- Class "K" instructor(s) may allow student explanations for unsuccessful responses, making up for lost time, or failure for non-participation.
- Minimum time required for reading screens with text:
- One minute per every 50 words of text.
- Proration for screens with fewer than 50 words.
- Discussion of content on each screen by the instructor.
- Students were allowed to submit questions to Class "K" instructors regarding the classroom training.
- Delivery of up to 4 hours of missed class through recorded instruction for absent students.
- Students can submit questions to Class "K" instructors regarding the recorded instruction.
- Online tests are administered with randomized questions.