• Greetings: Sun - Mar 23, 2025
STG Admin Mar 23, 2025

5N-1.140 Security Officer, Recovery Agent, and Private Investigative Intern School Curriculum

Security Officer Schools and Training Facilities

  • Passing a score requires answering at least 128 questions correctly, with no more than 50% being true or false.
  • Issuance of Certificate of Security Officer Training within 3 business days using Form FDACS-16103.
  • Training programs approved by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission are deemed approved by the department.

Online Training Requirements:

  • Live transmission format with Class "DI" instructors and students participating simultaneously.
  • Online instruction is conducted from a school or training facility in Florida.
  • Live access is provided to department investigators for auditing, monitoring, or inspection.
  • Online instruction and testing through a secure website using SSL or TLS technology.
  • Verification of student identity using U.S. state or federal-issued photo identification.
  • Verification and documentation of daily attendance in a digital log.
  • Restriction of student log-in to a single device.
  • Inclusion of security questions to ensure active student participation.
  • The minimum time requirement for reading screens with text.
  • Opportunity for students to submit questions to Class "DI" instructors.
  • Delivery of missed class hours through recorded instruction for absent students.
  • Administration of online tests with randomized questions.
  • Verification of completion of online training before reporting to the division.

Retention of Records

Records to be maintained by schools or facilities administering examinations:

  1. Schedule including date, time, location, and instructor of each class session.
  2. Separate files for each course containing course materials, reference sources, and graded final exams.
  3. Log for each class session with student signatures.
  4. Copy of the Certificate of Security Officer Training presented to each student.
  5. Separate file for each approved instructor with qualifications and license copy.
  6. Records are to be maintained for a minimum of two years and produced upon request.

Additional record-keeping requirements for Class "DS" security schools or training facilities offering online courses:

  • A digital record of student attendance log, records of training sessions, and proof of compliance with security protocols.
  • Accessibility of records to department investigators upon request.
  • The explanation for the unavailability of electronic records, with provision within 3 business days.

Options for meeting division record-keeping requirements:

  • Retention of original paper records or scanning into electronic format.
  • Electronic retention of online training records, reproducible or transmittable upon request.

Outline: 5N-1.132 Firearms Training

Initial Firearms Qualification

  • Completion of 28 hours of range and classroom training by Class "K" firearms instructor(s).
  • Classroom training options: in-person or live online instruction with verification of identity and attendance.
  • 8 hours of in-person range training covering safe handling and storage of firearms.
  • The qualification allows using specific revolver or semiautomatic handgun calibers for regulated duties.
  • Licensees can only carry firearms they have completed training with.
  • Submission of the original white page from Certificate of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License with the license application.

Annual Firearms Requalification Training and Reporting Requirement

  • Submission of the original white page from the Certificate of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License annually before the expiration date.

Firearms Instruction

  • Use of Firearms Training Manual Student Handbook and Study Guide (FDACS-P-02079).
  • Use of Firearms Training Manual Instructor's Guide (FDACS-P-02078) by Class "K" licensed firearms instructors.
  • Firearms instructors may use audio/video material as instructional aid but not rely solely on it.
  • Classroom training must be conducted in person or through live online instruction with verification of identity, attendance, and completion.
  • Generation of Certificates of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License by Class "K" instructors.
  • Provision of electronic or paper copies of certificates to Class "G" students within 3 business days.
  • Retention of completed certificates by instructors.

Firearms Instructor Recordkeeping Requirements

  • Maintenance of daily schedule, class logs (in-person and online), digital logs for online students' attendance and identity verification method, copies of issued certificates, and student test records.
  • Original paper records or scanned electronic records can meet the requirements.
  • Accessibility of records to department investigators upon request.
  • Retention of records for a minimum of two years at the instructor's place of business or address on the instructor's license.
  • Production of student records for inspection upon request.

Firearm Online Training

  • Completion of up to 20 hours of classroom training through live online instruction.
  • Class "K" instructors must have a physical location in Florida and conduct online instruction from there.
  • Live access to online courses for auditing, monitoring, or inspection by department investigators.
  • Use a secure website with SSL or TLS technology for online instruction and testing.
  • Verification of student identity using U.S. state or federal-issued photo identification.
  • Documentation of student attendance in digital log.
  • Limitation of student log-in to a single device.
  • Inclusion of security questions for active student participation.
  • The minimum time requirement for screen reading and discussion.
  • Opportunity for students to submit questions to the instructor.
  • Option to deliver missed class hours through recorded instruction with question submission.
  • Administration of online tests with randomized questions.

Instructor Requirements for Online Courses

  • Maintenance of records for all training sessions, including instructor name, license number, and proof of compliance with security protocols at the instructor's place of business.
  • Immediate accessibility of records to department investigators upon request.
  • Explanation to investigators if electronic records are not immediately available, with the provision of records within 3 business days.

Firearms Online Training

  • Completing all or part of the 20 hours of classroom training through live online instruction.
  • Live transmission format with Class "K" instructors and students participating simultaneously.
  • Class "K" instructors offering online training must maintain a physical location in Florida.
  • Online instruction is conducted from a physical location in Florida.
  • Live access is provided to department investigators for auditing, monitoring, or inspection upon request.
  • Online instruction and testing are conducted through a secure website using SSL or TLS technology.
  • Student identity verification using U.S. state or federal-issued photo identification (e.g., driver's license, state ID card).
  • Verify and document students' daily attendance in a digital log.
  • Utilize an online platform that always restricts student log-in to a single device.
  • Inclusion of security questions (challenges) to ensure active student participation, with successful responses required for each question.
  • At least one security question is provided every two hours of instruction.
  • Opportunity for re-attempting an unsuccessful response within 5 minutes.
  • Failure to respond successfully is marked as student absence.
  • Class "K" instructor(s) may allow student explanations for unsuccessful responses, making up for lost time, or failure for non-participation.
  • Minimum time required for reading screens with text:
    • One minute per every 50 words of text.
    • Proration for screens with fewer than 50 words.
    • Discussion of content on each screen by the instructor.
  • Students were allowed to submit questions to Class "K" instructors regarding the classroom training.
  • Delivery of up to 4 hours of missed class through recorded instruction for absent students.
  • Students can submit questions to Class "K" instructors regarding the recorded instruction.
  • Online tests are administered with randomized questions.